TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Health Services

DD 2569

DD 2569 Instructions:  Please complete all Highlighted areas that apply, be sure to sign and place todays date on the back of the form.  Each Family member (other than the Active Duty sponsor) needs to have a DD 2569 Other Health Insurance Form completed annually, or when there are changes to your Other Health Insurance information.  When turned in, you will receive a Yellow Card as verification of meeting the  annual requirement for DD 2569.  The Yellow Card will expire one year from the date of completing the DD 2569.  Please bring the Yellow Card to present at each visit, including picking up or dropping off pharmacy.  Drop off your completed form at the MTF to receive your Yellow Card.

Contact Us


Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.


301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Rucker, AL 36362

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!