TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Getting Care

Patient Administration

All medical records are maintained electronic in MHS GENESIS and in the Outpatient Medical Records Room. A valid ID Card and a signed DD 2870 are both required to obtain medical records. 

The ID card is used to validate eligibility when you arrive for an appointment at Lyster Army Health Clinic.  All children ages 10 and older must possess a valid military ID card and present it during the appointment check-in process.  Care will not be denied if the patient does not have an ID card.  You will be required to provide a valid state photo ID to the Patient Administration Division, who will then conduct a DEERS eligibility check.  If you are eligible for care, you will be required to sign a Certificate of Eligibility for Medical Treatment before care is rendered.  Proof of an appointment at the ID card section will be required for all expired ID cards and children 10 and older who do not have a military ID before a Certificate of Eligibility will be given.  A copy of the Certificate of Eligibility will be kept in the Patient Administration office and you will be required to return with a valid ID card within 30 days.  If a valid ID card is not presented within 30 days, a bill will be sent to the patient or other health care insurance provider for any care rendered.
For patients wishing to update their address information, please visit:
For patients needing to schedule an appointment with the ID card section, please visit:
There are various circumstances which will require eligible children under the age of 10 to possess an ID card, please contact the ID card section at Fort Novosel for specifics regarding your situation.
If you need to be registered and/or need to update your registration please call 334-255-7835.
TO REQUEST COPY OF LAB, RAD, Visit (all internal Lyster request) from Lyster AHC
1 - Print the request form,  fill out and fax or email to Pad.
2 - Fax:  630-570-5895
      Email: 3 - We will complete the request and upload into DOD Safe for the beneficiary to pick up with a valid email and download to their personal computer, disc or jump drive.  If they do not have an email and it is NOT and emergency we will send via US Mail.

1 - Print "REQUEST COMPLETE COPY OF RECORDS" form DD 2870, fill out and fax or email to Pad
2 - Fax:  630-570-5895
      Email: 3 - We will complete the request and upload into DOD Safe for the beneficiary to pick up with a valid email and download to their personal computer, disc or jump drive.  If they do not have an email and it is NOT and emergency we will send via US Mail.
4 - Complete copies is approximate 6 week waiting
1 - Print the "RELEASE FROM OUTSIDE PROVIDER" form,  fill out and fax or email to Pad. 
2 - Fax:  630-570-5895
      Email: 3 - We will complete the request and scan into Medical Record when received
If you have received a referral and need documentation to be sent or received from a provider please call 334-255-7835 and we will get the documents sent to the provider.
Service members will NOT need to come to PAD for out-processing.  When they arrive and in-process at their next duty station they will present to PAD and request medical record to be forwarded from Lyster.
Service member will not need to come to PAD for in-processing.  They will be registered via telephonically or Alpha Roster sent from Unit (or bldg. 513 staff duty personnel for all TDY for Schools SM's).  Service Member needs to ensure telephone number is clear and legible.  Please send roster to  
To request to initiate LOD please print and complete the LOD Processing document.  Scan the document and email or fax to 630-570-5895. Once received we will process and send to unit Commander for review and signature.

Registration into MHS GENESIS is required for everyone receiving care at this facility. Registration may be completed in Patient Administration, located in the rear of the clinic next to the VA elevator.
Children under age 14 can usually use a parent's or guardian's ID card All patients 14 and up must have a valid dependent ID card for all services inside the clinic
**Children under the age of 14 should have their own ID card when in the custody of a parent or guardian who is not eligible for TRICARE or who is not the custodial parent after a divorce.**


The Release of Information section is responsible for issuing copies of an individual's medical record to either the individual, another military treatment facility, or to civilian facilities. Individuals are asked to sign a release which gives the government permission to release the information that is being requested. A valid ID card is required when making request. Please be sure to request copies of your entire medical record for out processing/VA benefits at least two months prior your retirement date. It takes our staff about 4-6 weeks to complete and verify copies of medical records. The necessary form DD2870 is located here in the Release of Information section or on AKO forms. You can fax or walk in your completed request for medical information forms to the PAD office Mon-Fri 0730-1600. Please call 334-255-7242/7239 or fax to 334-255-7710.
**All patients 14 years of age and above must complete and sign a DD2870 granting their parent or legal guardian access to their medical record/information per (Code of Alabama, Section 22-8-4)**


Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)

Improving Readiness remains the Army’s number one priority! The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process is a vital component to maintaining unit readiness by ensuring those Soldiers who are no longer medically able to perform their duties are transitioned from the Army with dignity and respect. IDES Fort Novosel is here to assist Soldiers in successfully navigating the IDES process. Primary goal of IDES is to facilitate transition of wounded, ill, or injured Service members leaving the service because of a disability.

IDES Overview 

  • Medical Evaluation Board uses the Veteran Administration exam and the entire treatment record to develop the IDES NARSUM which documents the DoD’s opinion whether medical condition(s) meet/s or fail/s Army retention standards.
  • The Veterans Administration Compensation & Pension Exam and Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) support disability rating percentage per Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities regulations
  • Army Physical Evaluation Board determines fit/unfit & military compensability.
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) rates all service-connected conditions– the FIT, UNFIT, and CLAIMED
  • Army adopts DVA rating/s for only the UNFIT conditions.
 List of Services Provided
  • Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)
  • Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
  • Physical Evaluation Liaison Officer (PEBLO)
Q:  My provider referred me to the MEB, when should I expect to be contacted?
A:  The MEB starts upon approval of your profile. Profiles should be dispositioned (approved or returned) within 2 weeks of submission. If you have not been contacted within that time, you will need to follow-up with your referring provider.
Q:  How long does the IDES process take?
A:  The IDES timeline goal is 180 calendar days from the date of profile approval to the date of separation. This does not include any amount of administrative absences or accrued leave that is authorized during the Transition Phase.
Hours of Operations
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Phone: 334-255-7909
Location: 301 Andrews Ave (RM G-124) FT. Novosel, AL 36362

IDES Timeline Overview
Army Regulation 635-40 Disability Evaluation for Retention, Retirement, or Separation
Army Regulation 40-501 Standards of Medical Fitness


Contact Us

Telephone Number(s)

334-255-7835 Patient Administration 
630-570-5895 (FAX)
334-255-7238/7435 Medical Evaluations

Clinic Hours

Medical Records:

Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m


Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Release of Information:

Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Medical Evaluations:

Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.



301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Novosel, AL 36362

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!