TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Health Services

Exceptional Family Member Program

EFMP Update:

We will continue to accept enrollments for processing via . Any identified corrections or the need for additional information will be transmitted to the Service/Family Member via encrypted e-mail or telephone. If the provider needs to make a correction, the time in which the enrollment is returned may be delayed. If possible and with the permission of the Family Member, we will send the enrollment forms to the Family Member's provider. For enrollments, dis-enrollments and updates; we will continue to conduct the administrative/ medical reviews.
We will complete reconsiderations on a case-by-case basis. Please notify the EFMP staff if you are requesting a reconsideration and information will be provided to you.
Overseas Screenings/Family Member Travel Screenings will be conducted virtually in lieu of in person appointments. The virtual appointments will be conducted by EFMP staff using an approved audio/visual modality. We will interview Families in the order that complete overseas/Family Member Travel screening packets are received. We will contact you to schedule an appointment.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program, based on carefully defined rules. EFMP works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, housing, community support and personnel services to Families with special needs. EFMP enrollment works to ensure that needed services are available at the receiving command before the assignment is made. The EFMP operates I.A.W. AR 608-75.

An Exceptional Family Member is a dependent, regardless of age, that requires medical services for a chronic condition; receives ongoing services from a specialist, has behavioral health concerns /social problems /psychological needs; receives education services provided on an Individual Education Program (IEP), or a Family member receiving services provided on an Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP).

For more information, please visit the AMEDD EFMP website.

EFMP is a walk-in section, but will schedule appointments at the request of a Family or Service Member. To make an appointment, please call 334-255-7431.

Contact Us


Temp Hours
Now - Oct. 5, Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m - 12:00 p.m

Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Thurs-7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Closes at 2:00 p.m. for EFMP and OSS packet processing
Closed for lunch 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Closed starting at 12:00 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month for training.

Telephone Number(s):



301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Rucker, AL 36362

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!