TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Health Services

Case Management Services

What is Case Management?

It is a process, managed by your healthcare team, to help you and your family find medical solutions. The case manager is your team coach and advocate. Together, you develop a plan of care to promptly control your illness, injury, or situation, and navigate through the maze of medical care progressing toward your medical goal.
Generally, patients with complex problems and considerable medical expenses receive case management support. Problems may be one or a combination of medical, social, financial, or mental health.

Who is eligible?

  • TRICARE Prime patients
  • Participation is voluntary

Why would I need Case Management?

The need for case management services is determined through a collaboration between you, your family or caregiver, your health care team, and your provider. This collaboration will include a comprehensive assessment of your health, psychosocial needs, and use of health care services and resources.

You or your family member may need Case Management if you have

  • Instability with chronic health problems
  • A serious terminal illness
  • An increased need for different provider specialties or a branch of medicine or surgery that a doctor specializes in due to multiple diseases or conditions
  • A need for more support and education during a critical period

Who are Case Managers?

Case managers are usually nurses or social workers who can help you and your family figure out complex health care and support systems. They will work with you to coordinate the services and other community resources you need.

Case Managers can help by

  • Evaluating your options
  • Assessing, planning, and facilitating services for you
  • Provide advocacy, support, and education
  • Reduce burden and streamline appropriate utilization of care
  • Partner with members of your healthcare team to assist in coordination of your healthcare needs
  • Monitoring for progress and desired outcomes

How long will Case Management services last?

Services last until your Case Management goals are reached or until you and your case manager decide they are no longer necessary and/or helpful. Case management may be resumed at a later time if needed.

Is there a fee?

Case management is a TRICARE / Prime benefit. There is no additional charge and no billing to your insurance for this service. 

Referral to Case Management

Electronic Referral: Ask your Primary Care Manager (PCM) to write a consultation to Case Management services or call the phone number listed for this clinic’s case management services.

Will my Primary Care Manager be informed of these plans and services?

Your PCM is part of the team that helps you make plans and decisions about your health goals. Based on these goals, your case manager develops a plan and continually updates it as you progress. The PCM and you have the final say about your care.

Along the way, we share with you

  • Your progression according to the case management plan
  • Medical insurance coverage as it impacts identified medical needs

Contact Us

Telephone Number(s):

Aviation Medicine/Active Duty 334-255-7719
Behavioral Health 334-255-7522/7028
Family/Internal Medicine 334-255-7577
Pediatrics 334-255-7136


Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.


301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Novosel, AL 36362

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