Medical In & Out Processing
In Processing Instructions: Please read and follow the directions below. Steps 1 thru 6 are arranged in order to ensure a smooth process and the individual links or phone numbers have been included as well.
If you have questions after you complete all of the steps, please call 334-255-7732.
If you would like to talk with someone from Lyster, a representative will be at building 5700 every duty day, between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. in room 282.
Step 1. Update DEERs: Ensure your record is updated and current; your local unit and home addresses, your phone and email addresses. If DEERs does not have the best contact information for you and your family, it will delay your medical registration. DEERs office is located at building 5700, DEERs/ID Card section, call 800-538-9522 or
Step 2. Assign Provider/Primary Care Manager (PCM): Call TRICARE at 800-444-5445, listen and follow the prompts, say “Beneficiary”, “Let’s continue how can I help you” state I would like a new Primary Care Manager or PCM, option 1, Enter SSN or DOD ID, birthdate, a TRICARE representative will answer. All Flight Active Duty, including “temp AD orders” will be assigned to Team Respect, using last 2 of your (SSN): 00-25=Mr. Hill; 26-50= MAJ Swinson; 51-75= Mr. Schultz; 76-99= Mr. Sallis. Non Flight Active Duty will be assigned to Team Integrity. If your dependents relocated with you, ask TRICARE to assign them too. Prime Beneficiaries will be assigned to Team Courage or Team Integrity.
Step 3. Patient Registration for LAHC: Your completed New Patient Medical Worksheet will be returned to the clinic by the Enrollment Coordinator for registration, or Alpha Roster sent from Unit or staff duty personnel. Service Member needs to ensure name, DOD ID, DOB, and telephone number is clear and legible. If you received a DD form 877 or DD form 2138 from your previous duty station, please email to Medical Records at:
Step 4. MHS Genesis:; log in or create access using the DS Logon 24 hours, 7 days a week to schedule appointments, view health record, communicate securely with providers request prescription renewals and, so much more. DS Logon: Access to military websites without CAC or CAC card reader. Register (Need An Account), Activate, Upgrade, look up your Username or reset your Password at
For additional information about a DS Logon in visit
Step 5. Medical In Processing Email/Lyster Staff: Send a “valid” email to with your DOD ID and phone number in the body of the email and the Subject Line: "In Processing, Your Last Name".
Step 6. Completing your Virtual Medical In Processing: After you have completed Steps 1-5 (see above), MEDPROs/Medical Facility; TRICARE; Behavioral Health/SUDCC, FAP and EFMP will complete your in processing virtually. The Lyster Staff will reply to your email, stating your Medical In Processing is complete within 3 business days. You will then be checked in, and/or given instructions for “signing off” your post checklist. Please PRINT ALL returned emails pertaining to Step 5. You are required to turn in the printed emails with your Post In Processing Checklist, or be ready to show your confirmation emails from your smart device. They will be used to verify/confirm that you have completed every step of the Virtual Medical In Processing and will take the place of a signature. NOTE: You may receive more than one email from a Lyster Staff member(s), confirming completion or further instructions that will assist with your Medical In Processing. IF you DO NOT hear from anyone within 24 hours after you send the email, please resend by using the instructions in Step 5.
***Advisory*** For Service Members; upon completion of steps required, you may require a mandatory medical appointment and will be notified by a phone call or email from an LAHC Team Member.
PCS Medical Out Processing Instructions: Please read and follow the directions below. Steps 1 thru 2 are arranged in order to ensure a smooth process and the individual links or phone numbers have been included as well. “IF” you have questions after you complete all of the steps, please 334-255-7732. Or “IF” you would like to talk with someone from Lyster, a representative will be at building 5700 every duty day, between 0745 and 0815 in room 282. NOTE: For your safety, the Virtual Medical In and Out Process has been established to limit face to face contact. Additionally, the Contact Information for a specific section is located to the right of this page or within other areas of the Lyster Army Health Clinic Website.
Step 1. Update DEERs: Ensure your record is updated and current; your local work and home addresses, your phone and email addresses. If DEERs does not have the best contact information for you and your family, it will delay your medical registration. DEERs office is located at building 5700, DEERs/ID Card section, call 800-538-9522 or
Step 2. PCS Medical Out Processing: Send an email to; Subject Line type “PCS, Last name” and in the email body type your name, “DOD ID number, next duty location and a valid telephone number and no other identifying information”. LAHC team members will reply within 24 hours; replies will come from MEDPROs/Medical Facility, Patient Administration, TRICARE, Behavioral Health, SUDCC, FAP, Physical Exams and EFMP.
Medical Records: Patient Administration will ensure your Medical Records will be forwarded to your next duty location.
***Advisory*** For Service Members; upon completion of steps required, you may require a mandatory medical appointment and will be notified by a phone call or email from an LAHC Team Member.
Separation Health Physical Exam (SHPE), Medical Out Processing Instructions for Retirement, ETS or Separation: Please read and follow the directions below. National Guard/Reserves coming off of Active Duty (AD) Orders, ONLY Steps 1 and 2 is mandatory, unless you have been seen and have medical care established at LAHC while on AD. ALL others, Steps 1 thru 5 are arranged in order to ensure a smooth process and the individual links or phone numbers have been included as well. “IF” you have questions after you complete all of the steps, please call 334-255-7732. Or “IF” you would like to talk with someone from Lyster, a representative will be at building 5700 every duty day, between 0745 and 0815 in room 282. NOTE: For your safety, the Virtual Medical In and Out Process has been established to limit face to face contact. Additionally, the Contact Information for a specific section is located to the right of this page or within other areas of the Lyster Army Health Clinic Website.
Step 1. Update DEERs: Ensure your record is updated and current; your local work and home addresses, your phone and email addresses. If DEERs does not have the best contact information for you and your family, it will delay communication. DEERs office is located at building 5700, DEERs/ID Card section, call 800-538-9522 or
Step 2. Separation Medical Out Processing: Send an email to; for Subject: type of SHPE ”Ret, ETS or Sep”, Last name”; in the email body type your name, “DOD ID number and a valid telephone number and no other identifying information”. LAHC team members will reply within 24 hours; replies will come from MEDPROs/Medical Facility, Patient Administration, TRICARE, Behavioral Health, SUDCC, FAP, Physical Exams and EFMP.
Step 3. Soldier is within 30 days of separation or terminal leave.
Step 4. Soldier calls Central Appointment Line at 1-800-261-7193, option. 1. They are available Monday – Friday 0700-1600 and Soldier requests Part 1 appointment for a separation physical.
Step 5. Soldier attends and completes the Part 1 separation physical and then will leave with an Appointment for a Part 2 Separation Physical with PCM to finalize the physical.
Medical Records Request: Please email with your name, DODID, and a copy of your separation or retirement orders.
***Advisory*** For Service Members; upon completion of steps required, you may require a mandatory medical appointment and will be notified by a phone call or email from an LAHC Team Member.

o leave feedback or recommendations to the process, feel free to contact us via email at