TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Health Services


Laboratory Brochure

The Department of Pathology at Lyster Army Health Clinic offers laboratory services to all active duty military and eligible beneficiaries.
The laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP)
CAP Accreditation ensure that we:

  • Maintain accuracy of test results and ensure accurate patient diagnosis
  • Meet required standards from CLIA, FDA and OSHA. CAP requirements commonly exceed the standards, bolstering patient care and safety.
  • Manage rapidly evolving changes in lab  medicine and technology
  • Exchange ideas and best practices among lab medicine peers
  • Offer professional development and learning opportunities for lab staff
What we do: 
  • Specimen drop off
  • Patient collection instructions and supplies
  • Blood Collection (Phlebotomy)
Who we serve:
Beneficiaries eligible for care.  Bring your military identification card with you to the lab.
  1. Patients seen by a LAHC provider: Electronic or written orders required
  2. Patients from outside providers: Written orders are required
  3. Walk in testing available for: 
  • HIV: Active Duty readiness only
  • Pregnancy test (urine only): You must do one of the following:
  1. Send a secure message through MHS GENESIS to your Primary Care Manager (PCM).
  2. Contact the appointment line at 800-261-7193 and leave a message to your PCM. 
  3. Go to the Primary Care Clinic and leave a message for your PCM at the front desk.

STI Walk-In Clinic

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Walk-in Clinic is available during normal LAB hours:  Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. for asymptomatic beneficiaries ages 14 and older.

Asymptomatic beneficiaries ages 14 and older walk-in to the lab, fill out a consent form, and receive STI testing without seeing a provider or public health nurse. 

STI labs can take 7- 10 business days for results and post to your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. You will receive a call from a Public Health Nurse to review the labs and answer any questions you may have. For positive results, your Primary Care Manager (PCM) team will contact you to schedule an evaluation/treatment options as necessary.

Symptomatic beneficiaries:  If you’re currently having STI symptoms, it is important that you are evaluated by a healthcare provider who can provide treatment if necessary. You can make an appointment for STI screening and medical counseling with your PCM by calling the Lyster appointment line at 800-261-7193 or through MHS GENESIS patient portal



What we do:
  • Perform a wide range of testing in chemistry, serology, hematology and urinalysis
  • Refer specialized tests to reference laboratories
  • Report results to the ordering HCP.
You care team should contact you with results.  Other options include:
  1. Log in to MHS GENESIS Patient Portal at A CAC or DS Logon is needed to access the patient portal. 
  2. Send a secure message to the ordering PCM through using MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. 
  3. Call the patient appointment line at 800-261-7193 and leave a message for your PCM. 
  4.  Place a request through the Patient Administration Department (PAD) to receive a copy of your record or have your record sent to another PCM.  

The Lyster Army Health Clinic Laboratory team are pleased to be of service to you. The team is composed of military and civilian professionals in the following disciplines:

Laboratory Medical Director:
A Board Certified Pathologist who has sole technical oversight and responsibility for the laboratory (off-site).

Clinical Laboratory Scientists:
Certified laboratory professionals responsible for daily oversight of laboratory operations. This group consists of the Laboratory Manager, Quality Assurance Manager and Section Lead Technologists.
Medical Laboratory Technicians: Certified laboratory professionals performing moderate and high complexity testing in all areas of laboratory medicine.
Medical Technician/Phlebotomists: Certified phlebotomists on the front line who collect specimens directly from patients. 

Customer Satisfaction is our priority!

There are several ways to provide feedback.
ICE: Interactive Customer Evaluation system comment.  This system is web-based and can be accessed at
JOES: Randomly selected patients will receive a Joint Outpatient Experience Survey following an appointment.  Please take a few minutes to complete and return the survey.  Question #22 pertains to your overall experience with the laboratory.
Patient Advocate: Contact the LAHC Patient Advocate and let them know about your experience.
Lab Leadership Team:  Ask to speak to the Lab Manager, Lab NCOIC or Lab QA Manager.  We are here to help you anytime.



Contact Us

Telephone Number(s):



Monday - Friday:  7 a.m. - 4 p.m.


301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Novosel, AL 36362

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!