TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Health Services


The optometry service provides state-of-the-art quality eye care by Certified Optometrists with the help of an outstanding support staff. We are proud to serve active duty service members and retirees under Tricare prime and Tricare plus when there are available resources and appointments. Each week, we provide over 100 exams for active duty service members. Please contact us at 334-255-7185 to schedule your next appointment.
Services Offered:
*       Comprehensive Eye Exams (active duty and retirees only)
*       Spectacle Fitting (active duty and retirees only)
*       Contact Lens Exams when there are available resources and appointments
*       Diabetic Eye Exams
*       Urgent Care Visits
*       Flight Physicals
*       Refractive Surgery evaluations (active duty only)
*       Ability to diagnose, treat and manage all forms of ocular disease to include Dry Eye, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Floaters, Cataracts  
*       Retinal Photographs
*       Visual Field Testing
*       High Definition Retinal Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography
*       Anterior Segment Photography
*       Advanced Corneal Topography and Tomography
*       Corneal Thickness Measurements
*       Referrals to Ophthalmologists (as needed)
*       Driver's License Exams
*       MEDPROS Screening (if not provided by unit)
* ‎   Cone Contrast Test (CCT)
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