TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

Health Services

Virtual Health Visit

Virtual Health CartVirtual HealthVirtual Health Cart

What is a Virtual Health visit?
A virtual health visit is a medical appointment that uses technology to connect you to a provider who is located anywhere in the world.

What are the benefits of a Virtual Health visit?
Virtual Health visits allow you to be seen by a specialist without having to travel to another location or outside the military health system. For the military, it aids in increasing readiness, reducing per capita cost, enhancing access, growing patient satisfaction and improving population health.

Is a Virtual Health appointment private? Are the appointments recorded?
Just like an in person visit with your doctor, a virtual health visit is private and confidential. It is not recorded.

How does a Virtual Health visit work?
You will arrive at your local clinic and check in at the Primary Care Clinic. Then a healthcare worker will perform vital signs, collect information needed for the provider, and have you sign a consent to be seen virtually for the visit. When it is time, the presenter will call the provider, and he/she will appear on the video screen. You will talk with the provider just like you would if it was in person until the appointment is complete. There are also different peripheral medical devices such as an otoscope, stethoscope, and camera lens for any needed visualization or auscultation.  At the end of the visit, prior to discharge, the healthcare worker will review all discharge instructions with you.

Current services offered: Nephrology, Rheumatology, Infectious Disease, Sleep Medicine, and Endocrinology (some restrictions apply).  Ask your PCM for a consult to be evaluated by specialists throughout various Military Treatment Facilities across the nation.

For questions please contact your MTF’s Virtual Health Nurse:  (334) 255-7152

Contact Us


Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Telephone Number(s):



301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Rucker, AL 36362

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