TRICARE Online Patient Portal (TOL PP) Decommissioning Update:  TOL PP will no longer be available to users after 1 April 2025. For more information visit webpage.

About Us

Customer Service

Patient Relations/Advocate 

Phone Number: 334-255-7229
Email Address:

Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator/Debt Collection Assistance Officer 

Phone Number: 800-261-7193 option 4
Email Address:

Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) 

ICE is a web-based tool that collects your feedback on services at this facility.

Contact Us

Lyster Army Health Clinic
301 Andrews Ave.
Fort Novosel, AL 36362

Lyster Army Health Clinic Appointment Line: 800-261-7193

Are you on staff at this MTF and need to request a change to this website?
Send your request to the Public Affairs Officer at this facility. Be sure to provide the proper page links (URLs) and instructions that are required to complete your request. If your changes include images, GIFS, or attachments be sure to add those attachments to your email.

Email the Lyster Army Health Clinic Webmaster

Email the Lyster Army Health Clinic Public Affairs Office

If you cannot reach the Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) system please contact the
Lyster Army Health Clinic's Patient Advocacy Office or call 1-334-255-7229.

    Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!